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Every day, for more than 20 years, we have been carrying out constant research to identify and select materials and manufacturing techniques that allow us to improve the performance and guarantee the durability of all our products.

IP S.p.A. was born as an industry specialized in refrigerated cabinets for the conservation and service of wine. Our history is characterized by the desire to design and create the most suitable and elegant solutions to satisfy the most varied needs both in the catering and private sectors.

High technology, refined shapes and the quality of the products, make the IP collection a high expression of Made in Italy throughout the world.

Thanks to its experience and highly qualified staff, it offers a vast range of products on the world market, not only for the preservation and service of wine, but also for cigars and for the seasoning and preservation of cured meats and cheeses.

Alta tecnologia, raffinatezza delle forme, qualità dei prodotti

Designing conservation
as an action of valorization
of the content on the container

Alessandro Andreucci
Industrial Designer
Alessandro Andreucci designer industriale

The cellar is not a piece of furniture to hide.
Our desire and goal was to create a piece of furniture, like a tailored suit, aesthetically pleasing, pleasant to use and admire, and at the same time capable of enhancing the contents and enhancing the surrounding environments.

The IPS project was born from our passion and the desire to develop increasingly advanced solutions in terms of design, functionality and above all reliability.
Quality, simplicity and attention to content. These are the 3 concepts on which I focused my research and developed the product. What remained was the essential.
Return to simplicity and build a container aimed at emphasizing the content.
This was the starting point for the design of the new collections.

Thus was born the new concept of IPS cellars, intended as frames where, as in a painting, the true protagonist is the content inside.
The goal was to create a product of excellence in materials to optimize conservation techniques but at the same time to remain simple.
What allowed me to continue with the research and development of the cellars were the technological skills, the strong point of the company, together with the craftsmanship and specialization in the sector.